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With the COVID-19 situation halting all live performances, we wanted to find an alternative to direct audience engagement. Hence, we asked the public to vote for 3 lesser-known NDP songs, and our NDC Songs Roulette Band did an amazing job on making it their own - together with the well-loved Singaporean favourite, 'Home'.


Thank you to all those who voted, and we hope you enjoy this special rendition of NDP songs performed by a band comprising all three current batches of Music Vox.

Proudly presenting 'Spread The Light', a Music Vox original National Day song, written by our talented songwriters and YOU! 


Thanks to all your responses, we've gotten a strong sense of the nation's patriotism and love for Singapore. We were able to draw inspiration and encouragement from these responses.


We'd like to thank all those who took time to respond to the form, and we hope you saw your name featured in our music video!

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